Registration for the 2025 Season will Open on January 11, 2025. Registration remain open until all age divisions are full or July 1, 2025, whichever comes first. All players must meet League Age qualifications by the July 31st cut-off date. Football Age Divisions:
5U- 7/2/2019- 7/1/2020
6U-7/2/2018- 7/1/2019
7U -7/2/2017- 7/1/2018
8U -7/2/2016-7/1/2017
9U -7/2/2015-7/1/2016
10U -7/2/2014-7/1/2015
11U -7/2/2013-7/1/2014
12U -7/2/2011-7/1/2013
14U -7/2/2010-7/1/2021
*A child's age on July 1st is his/her age for the season. *
** Players who register for the 5U team will be playing up on 6U**
*** The 14U team is a combination of 13/14 year old players.***
We are excited to welcome back returning athletes, as well as adding new athletes to our program.
Please read carefully before proceeding to the registration page.
The Boca Braves is a part of Florida Elite League, South division. Click here for more information:
Important Information:
All athletes wanting to participate in activities with The Boca Braves Football program must have their online registration complete. Payment of $365 made in full, or payment plan set up. They must also turn in the following paperwork PRIOR TO taking the field for practice, including conditioning:
1. A sports physical. Physicals must be dated after January 1, 2025. Physicals must be signed/stamped by a licensed medical professional. This form will be uploaded to League Magic.
2. Waiver & Release.
Any athlete without a physical or signed waiver will not be permitted to participate until that paperwork has been turned in.
Important Dates:
The Season will begin in May 2025 with conditioning 2 times a week and practices starting shortly after. There will be a $25.00 fee for any non-registered player who just wants to participate in conditioning.
As a league we communicate with our parents/guardians the following ways:
- Email
o IF you’re not seeing emails from us, please first check your junk mail and mark as safe. IF you don’t find the email in junk mail, please reach out to a board member.
- Boca Braves Family Page (closed Facebook group)
o If you are active in FB, please search for the group and ask to join.
Once teams have been established, your team mom will also set up a separate ‘team’ communication. This will be for team only news and information, as well as league information.
Football Players Equipment/Uniforms/Practice apparel/Gear
+++There will be a $250 deposit for all equipment (Check, money order, or credit card) will not be cashed unless equipment is damaged or not returned at end of season.
- The League will provide the following to all fully registered players who have all their paperwork turned in:
o Helmet*
o Shoulder pads*
o Game day uniform
*a $250 deposit is required when picking up helmets and shoulder pads.
- Parents/Guardians must provide the following:
o Practice pants
o Practice jerseys
o Water bottle
o Mouth Guards
o Cleats
Fundraising is an integral part of our organization.
- All players (parents/guardians) are required to participate in fundraising for the season. Each team is required to raise $2,500 which will go towards uniforms, field fees, referee fees, and security.
- Each player (parents/guardians) are asked to raise at least $100 in fundraising towards the above team goal. There will be 1-3 fundraising opportunities throughout pre and regular season.
- Parents/Guardians may choose a buy-out and not participate in fundraising, however the team mom(s) will determine the buy-out amount.
- IF any team goes beyond regular season there will be additional fundraising needed. This fundraising is MANDATORY FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS.
Do you own a business or know a business who would like to help sponsor youth sports? Please reach out to a board member for more information on our sponsorship packages.
Refunds for players choosing not to participate in the 2025 season will be given as follows:
Until June 5, 2025 > refund of amount paid minus a $100 non-refundable deposit.
After June 5, 2025 the refund amount will be prorated minus the $100 non-refundable deposit.
Available Programs